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    Bruce Banner "Hulk" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Bruce Banner "Hulk"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Bruce Banner "Hulk" from Mcu The Heroes and what is the personality traits.

    Bruce Banner "Hulk"

    INTP (9w1)

    Bruce Banner "Hulk" personality type is INTP, but he has also shown himself to be an ESTP and ENTP in the past as well. This is NOT a personality type mistake, but a further delineation of the Hulk personality type.

    Bruce Banner became Hulk in an unprecedented moment in time. The transformation was triggered by the action of Gamma rays. Gamma rays are high-energy subatomic particles that are emitted by radioactive material. Gamma rays are highly penetrating and may be able to pass through matter. When gamma rays strike a living thing, they can produce a variety of effects on the body.

    The gamma rays from the radiated material were absorbed by Banner's body, which continued to absorb and emit them as it changed. This eventually caused Banner's body to transform. The transformation is likely a new physical identity for Banner, but it is not a new personality.

    This is a no-brainer for many people, but there are many theories about what occurred during the transformation. For more information on the Gamma Rays theory of the Hulk transformation, see our article on the Gamma Rays theory of the Hulk transformation.

    Bruce Banner is a character portrayed in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film franchise first by Edward Norton and currently by Mark Ruffalo, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name and known commonly by his alter ego, Hulk. In the films, Dr. Banner, is a renowned physicist who subjected himself to a gamma radiation experiment designed to replicate a World War II-era "super soldier" program.

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