Personality List

    Touka Kirishima Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Touka Kirishima? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Touka Kirishima from Tokyo Ghoul and what is the personality traits.

    Touka Kirishima

    ISTP (6w5)

    Touka Kirishima personality type is ISTP, as seen here.

    Asuka Kirishima personality type is ISTJ, as seen here.

    Mikoto Urabe personality type is ISTP, as seen here.

    Misaka Mikoto personality type is ISTP, as seen here.

    Misaka Mikoto's personality type is ISTP, as seen here.

    Misaka Mikoto's personality type is ISTP, as seen here.

    Misaka Mikoto's personality type is ISTP, as seen here.

    Misaka Mikoto's personality type is ISTP, as seen here.

    Misaka Mikoto's personality type is ISTP, as seen here.

    Misaka Mikoto's personality type is ISTP, as seen here.

    Misaka Mikoto's personality type is ISTP, as seen here.

    Misaka Mikoto's personality type is ISTP, as seen here.

    Misaka Mikoto's personality type is ISTP, as seen here.

    Misaka Mikoto's personality type is ISTP, as seen here.

    Misaka Mikoto's personality type is ISTP, as seen here.

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