Personality List

    Ayumu Hogi Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ayumu Hogi? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ayumu Hogi from Tokyo Ghoul and what is the personality traits.

    Ayumu Hogi

    INFP (2w1)

    Ayumu Hogi personality type is INFP, so the only thing that really matters here is to keep this in mind as you read.

    Yayoi's personality type is INFP

    So, this is a little bit tough to say. I don't know a lot about Yayoi personally. All I know about her is what has been written in the manga, and what I've seen of the anime. So, I'm going to take a stab at her personality type. What I do know about her is that she appears to be a very kind and trusting person. In addition, she is very close with her friends, telling them everything. It's also heavily implied that she has a crush on Usui, though it's not really said. I think the best way to describe Yayoi's personality type is as follows:

    Yayoi is an INFP, and she is very kind and trusting, and very close to her friends.

    I really like how you think that up, and I think it's pretty accurate. I'd like to know what you think.

    Satoru's personality type is ESFJ

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