Personality List

    Arata Kirishima Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Arata Kirishima? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Arata Kirishima from Tokyo Ghoul and what is the personality traits.

    Arata Kirishima

    INFJ (9w1)

    Arata Kirishima personality type is INFJ, which is one of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types. The INFJ personality type is defined as "a person of great depth, who seeks out ideas and possibilities, and processes them in their minds before communicating them. They are drawn to systems, theories, and patterns that they can use to predict their futures. They are deeply curious about others' feelings, often giving them the benefit of the doubt, allowing the other person to save face, at times. Introverted intuition increases their abilities to recognize patterns and recognize the difference between what is factual and what is not. They are very focused on the topic at hand, usually leaving no room for anything else. They are very sensitive to criticism, but will usually respond with a calm demeanor. They are even-tempered, always seeking harmony, though they are sometimes too passive in the face of conflict. They are usually fine with being alone but are drawn to people with whom they can share their ideas and thoughts. They are often misunderstood by others due to their moody, quiet nature."

    Kirishima's personality type also relates to his abilities. Being an INFJ, he is very intuitive and focused on others' feelings.

    Arata Kirishima (霧嶋 新, Kirishima Arata) is the husband of Hikari Kirishima. He is also the father of Touka Kirishima and Ayato Kirishima. A group of ghoul investigators named him the Corpse Collector (骸拾い, Mukuro Hiroi).

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