Personality List

    Albert Einstein Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Albert Einstein? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Albert Einstein from Rick & Morty 2013 and what is the personality traits.

    Albert Einstein

    INTP (5w4)

    Albert Einstein personality type is INTP, who is described as:

    “The INTP is often described as the ‘theoretical’ type. They are driven by logic and reason and can be seen as the more ‘introverted’ of the ‘extraverted’ types. In the type chart, the INTP is found in the introverted function area, which is ‘Intuition.’ However, compared to the other types, the INTP is driven by a different set of values and principles, and they have a different attitude toward life. Their values are often more abstract and less tied to the immediate reality of the physical world, and their approach to life is a little more detached.”

    The INTP is driven by logic, reason and a highly developed intellect. They have a strong desire to understand and present information in a logical manner. INTPs are most likely to be very intelligent and may even appear overly intelligent. In fact, most INTPs are very intelligent, but not all INTPs are highly intelligent. Most people with this personality type are highly driven and always looking for information that will help them understand their surroundings.

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