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    Enneagram Subtype 9w8 Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Enneagram Subtype 9w8? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Enneagram Subtype 9w8 from Enneagram and what is the personality traits.

    Enneagram Subtype 9w8

    ISTP (9w8)

    Enneagram Subtype 9w8 personality type is ISTP, the “Artisan”.

    ISTPs are the ultimate survivalists. We do not waste our time on “things” and “experiences” that may or may not be useful or interesting. We are on the lookout for what will serve us best.

    In order to find new and unexpected ways of using our skills, we will sometimes have to “fake it” to make ourselves appear more creative, innovative, or knowledgeable than we really are.

    We have a deep interest in things that will help us survive and that are useful to our fellow man.

    We have a strong interest in technology, in being prepared, and in being realistic.

    We are often fascinated by world events, and we like to keep up with current news and gossip.

    We are good at finding solutions to problems, and we are very good at fixing things. We know how to make things work, even if we don’t know exactly why or how.

    We love to use our hands to build things, which can include both practical objects like furniture, tools, and vehicles, as well as art objects like paintings and sculpture.

    The Nine wing Eight: “The Comfort Seeker”

    The traits of the Nine and the Eight face conflict with each other: Nines are passive and want harmony with others, while the Eights are aggressive, asserting themselves and following self-interest. Nines with one wing Eight also tend to be much more assertive and instinctive than Nines with a one wing.

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