Personality List

    Diego Velázquez Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Diego Velázquez? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Diego Velázquez from Artists and what is the personality traits.

    Diego Velázquez

    INTP (XwX)

    Diego Velázquez personality type is INTP, which means that he has a dominant function of Introverted Thinking (Ti) and a tertiary function of Extraverted Intuition (Ne). If you want to know more about this personality type, click here.

    Rafael García Prieto personality type is INTP, which means that he has a dominant function of Introverted Thinking (Ti) and a tertiary function of Extraverted Intuition (Ne). If you want to know more about this personality type, click here.

    Rafael Pérez personality type is INTJ, which means that he has a dominant function of Introverted Intuition (Ni) and a tertiary function of Extraverted Thinking (Te). If you want to know more about this personality type, click here.

    Rafael Pérez personality type is INTJ, which means that he has a dominant function of Introverted Intuition (Ni) and a tertiary function of Extraverted Thinking (Te). If you want to know more about this personality type, click here.

    Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez (baptized June 6, 1599 – August 6, 1660) was a Spanish painter, the leading artist in the court of King Philip IV and of the Spanish Golden Age. He was an individualistic artist of the contemporary Baroque period. He began to paint in a precise tenebrist style, later developing a freer manner characterized by bold brushwork. In addition to numerous renditions of scenes of historical and cultural significance, he painted scores of portraits of the Spanish royal family and commoners, culminating in his masterpiece Las Meninas (1656).

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