Personality List

    Amity Blight Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Amity Blight? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Amity Blight from The Owl House 2020 and what is the personality traits.

    Amity Blight

    ISTJ (3w4)

    Amity Blight personality type is ISTJ, with a secondary Te.

    Superficially, Amity Blight's initial public appearance is that of a cold, indifferent individual who is focused on getting the job done. She is extremely ambitious, but her priorities are always clear, and she is willing to sacrifice her own well-being if she has to. Amity Blights are focused on the facts, and they do not allow their emotions to cloud their judgement.

    She is somewhat of a perfectionist, and she strives to always get everything done on time. Amity Blights dislike people who are late, lack focus, or otherwise show poor judgment. They believe in keeping busy so that they don't have time to feel bad about themselves. They are not interested in having fun with friends, but they are prepared to put in the effort to make sure that they are successful in their career.

    Amity Blights are interested in people who are motivated by an inner desire to create something new. They are comfortable with change, and they are not frightened by anything new. Amity Blights are also very skilled at making deal with others in order to get goals accomplished.

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