Personality List

    Angmar Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Angmar? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Angmar from The Owl House 2020 and what is the personality traits.


    INFP (4w5)

    Angmar personality type is INFP, giving you a love for beauty, art, and creativity. The mission of the moon is to reflect this beauty and creativity. When the moon is in its waxing, or growing phase, it reflects your creative impulses. The moon’s strength is in its ability to inspire you to create. The opposition of the moon is the sun, which represents your intuitive gifts. The sun’s strength is the ability to connect with others through intuition.

    When the moon is in its waning, or losing phase, you are more likely to be drawn to the beauty of the world around you. You may find yourself in a fantasy state, deeply in love with the world, and less likely to be able to connect with others.

    When the moon is in its full, or waxing phase, it reflects your creative impulses. It is in this phase that you are most likely to be able to connect with others through intuition. As you read the descriptions of the personality types, you will notice that many of them are described as feeling most comfortable when they are in their full phases.

    It is when your moon is in its waning phase that you are likely to be most in touch with your intuitive side.

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