Personality List

    Amity (Beta) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Amity (Beta)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Amity (Beta) from The Owl House 2020 and what is the personality traits.

    Amity (Beta)

    ENTJ (3w4)

    Amity (Beta) personality type is ENTJ, and we can see that we have a lot of the same personality traits.

    Paradoxical Thinking – This is a trait that we share and we discuss in our ENFJ article. It means that we both constantly think and re-think and analyze and evaluate and analyze and analyze. We constantly second-guess ourselves and we constantly criticize our own behaviors. We are constantly looking for problems and we constantly think about how we can improve ourselves.

    We constantly look at the world and constantly criticize it and constantly try to change it. We are constantly adjusting to the world and constantly trying to make it more like we want it to be.

    We constantly find situations that we don’t like and we constantly find situations that we like and we constantly find situations that we like and we constantly find situations that we don’t like and we constantly find situations that we like and we constantly find situations that we don’t like.

    We constantly criticize ourselves and constantly criticize others, constantly second-guess ourselves and constantly second-guess others. We constantly evaluate ourselves and constantly evaluate others, constantly re-evaluate ourselves and constantly re-evaluate others.

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