Personality List

    Nana Komatsu “Hachi” Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Nana Komatsu “Hachi”? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Nana Komatsu “Hachi” from Nana and what is the personality traits.

    Nana Komatsu “Hachi”

    ESFJ (2w3)

    Nana Komatsu “Hachi” personality type is ESFJ, and she is a huge bookworm. Currently at the age of 13, Nana Komatsu is a fan of Japanese literature and loves to read books. She also loves to play games, but her favorite game is the Japanese version of Pokémon. She plays Pokémon Black, White, and Black 2. She also plays the Japanese version of Animal Crossing, but she has only played the Japanese version of Pokémon Black and White. She plays other games too, but she chooses one game that she plays over the others.

    Nana Komatsu’s favorite book is one that her mother bought for her. It is called “The Tale of the White Snake”, and it is a book about a girl who is an orphan. The girl goes on a journey to find her parents, and every time she gets closer to finding them, she is killed by someone else. Nana Komatsu likes the book because it has a lot of adventure in it, but she also likes it because it has a lot of adventure in it for a young child to get into.

    She also likes “The Tale of Genji” because it is about a boy that has many different feelings throughout the book.

    Nana Komatsu (小松菜奈), also known as Hachi, is one of the two main protagonists in the josei anime “Nana.” She was a normal Japanese girl who falls in love too easily and dreamed of becoming a housewife. She befriends Nana Osaki during her train ride to Tokyo. The anime follows the two girls and their unfolding friendship.

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