Personality List

    Junko Saotome Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Junko Saotome? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Junko Saotome from Nana and what is the personality traits.

    Junko Saotome

    ESTJ (1w2)

    Junko Saotome personality type is ESTJ, which is the common personality type of the primary school teacher. She is a cheerful, energetic teacher who values a rational and realistic life. However, she tends to be a little strict with her students, especially the class's homeroom teacher, Kodachi Kurumi. She was also a former student of Hiroyuki Yamashita. In the original manga, she is a teacher at the junior high school of the Yamashita family, while in the anime she is a 3rd-year high school teacher at the same high school.

    In the anime, Junko has a more cheerful personality compared to the manga, and she is a little more lenient with her students. In addition, she is a little more confident and even a little more popular with her students, but she is still strict with them.

    In the manga, Junko's personality is closer to the anime, but she is a bit more lax on her students. She is also a little more confident and popular with her students, but somewhat less strict compared to the anime. In the anime, she is often seen conversing with Kodachi Kurumi and occasionally Yamato Kurumi.

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