Personality List

    Asami Matsumoto “Yuri Kosaka” Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Asami Matsumoto “Yuri Kosaka”? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Asami Matsumoto “Yuri Kosaka” from Nana and what is the personality traits.

    Asami Matsumoto “Yuri Kosaka”

    ESFP (2w3)

    Asami Matsumoto “Yuri Kosaka” personality type is ESFP, so she’s the easiest to read. She’s also one of the highest-functioning people I’ve met in my life, but that doesn’t mean much. She’s very bubbly, bright, and cheerful, but when she’s comfortable she can be very shy. She can be very social, but she also has a habit of being very blunt. She’s the type that always thinks something is wrong with everyone, which is sometimes true, but most of the time it’s not true at all.

    Natsume Akamatsu “Yuri Kosaka” personality type is ESFP, so he’s the easiest to read. He’s also one of the highest-functioning people I’ve met in my life, but that doesn’t mean much. He’s very bubbly, bright, and cheerful, but when he’s comfortable he can be very shy. He can be very social, but he also has a habit of being very blunt.

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