Personality List

    Andrew Garfield Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Andrew Garfield? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Andrew Garfield from Bojack Horseman 2014 and what is the personality traits.

    Andrew Garfield

    ISTP (9w8)

    Andrew Garfield personality type is ISTP, as he is introverted and shy, yet very good with people and shows leadership when needed. This ISTP personality type is more reserved, but more thorough and analytical than the extroverted extroverts. ISTPs are more interested in real life applications of the things they learn and love. They are more interested in their studies than in their friends.

    For ISTPs, life is about the facts, and they are very good at picking up details in life and are able to summarize them in a way that makes sense to everyone. They enjoy chemistry and physics, as they find it easier to understand than social interactions. It interests them to know how things work, and as such they are very good at learning and teaching others. They are also curious, and can’t resist trying out new things.

    The ISTP personality type is a natural leader. If these people have a vision of something they can see it through to completion, especially if they have the support of their friends. For the ISTP the world is a better place if there is order and structure.

    The ISTP personality type is a natural perfectionist, and as such very good at being critical of themselves and their work.

    Andrew Russel Garfield is an American-British actor best known for playing the part of Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man series. He is the ex-boyfriend of Sarah Lynn. He first appears in Prickly-Muffin, in Season 1.

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