Personality List

    Doctor Champ Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Doctor Champ? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Doctor Champ from Bojack Horseman 2014 and what is the personality traits.

    Doctor Champ

    ENFJ (1w2)

    Doctor Champ personality type is ENFJ, which means that he's extra-extraverted, but not extraverted enough to be an ENTP. That means he's got great social skills, but he can get a little too caught up in them. He's idealistic, but not hopelessly so. He's fair, but not to the point where he's not willing to voice his opinion. He's thoughtful, but not so much that he neglects his personal life. This is all the stuff that you've heard about in counseling or psych classes, but it can be hard to put into words when you're in the middle of the chaos of school and sports and friends and family life.

    This week, when I talked to Dr. Champ, he took the time to explain what he means when he says that he "loves to be helpful." It's an important part of his personality that helps him relate to others. It's also something that can make him really feel like he's making a difference in his life. But Dr. Champ also explained that sometimes his ability to help others backfires on him because he can get caught up in trying to be too helpful.


    Dr. Champ (voiced by Sam Richardson) is a therapy horse (a Fjord pony) working at Pastiches Malibu Rehabilitation Center, and himself a former alcoholic. Similar to Mr. Peanutbutter, "Dr." is his first name, implying he is not actually a licensed doctor. He frequently tries to get BoJack to open up about his inner demons, but BoJack constantly deflects his questions with jokes.

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