Personality List

    Flip McVicker Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Flip McVicker? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Flip McVicker from Bojack Horseman 2014 and what is the personality traits.

    Flip McVicker

    INTJ (5w4)

    Flip McVicker personality type is INTJ, which is the “Architect” personality. This personality type is highly analytical, structured, and logical. They are also very creative, while also being capable of seeing things from all angles. INTJs are great at coming up with new ideas, while also being able to come up with creative solutions to problems. They are not afraid of change, because they are used to seeing things from all different perspectives.

    INTJ personality type is an introvert personality type. They are quite reserved, quiet, and reserved. Not many people are able to get close to them, because they are so reserved. They are very private people, who prefer to keep their thoughts to themselves. INTJs are not afraid to have their own thoughts, even if they are different from others. They simply prefer to keep their thoughts to themselves. On the other hand, they are also not afraid to express themselves when necessary.

    INTJs are very independent people. They are not afraid of being on their own, because they have learned that being independent is the best way to get things done. They are also not afraid to stand up for themselves when necessary.

    Flip McVicker (voiced by Rami Malek) is the human creator/showrunner of BoJack's new TV show, “Philbert.” Though he believes himself to be a genius, he is actually deeply insecure, lacks creative writing skills, and is manipulative; clashing with BoJack and other cast members throughout the filming of Philbert.

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