Personality List

    Wayne Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Wayne? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Wayne from Bojack Horseman 2014 and what is the personality traits.


    INTP (9w8)

    Wayne personality type is INTP, as confirmed by Wayne's own words as well as those of Batman as well as those of Bruce Wayne himself. In the comics, the Inventor persona is a male, and Wayne is a male.

    Wayne is a male, and his personality is very much INTP. He has a very calm and collected nature, rarely showing emotions. He is a very intelligent person, who seems to lack a sense of humor or a love for joking around. He tends to be quite calculating and analytical, often using his intellect to come up with plans and strategies. He takes this very seriously, often missing out on life. He tends to be very cynical, and often turns down offers of new technology that would help Wayne's cause or help Wayne himself better. In some cases, he even turns down offers to stay in Gotham because it would make him bored, believing he would find nothing to do in Gotham. Even though he is intelligent, he does not care about other people, often thinking everyone is against him or stupid. He does not seem to care for children or animals, having no interest in them whatsoever. He has no love for his parents either, often not caring about them at all.

    Wayne (voiced by Wyatt Cenac) is Diane's human ex-boyfriend who is a hipster and a BuzzFeed writer. He conspires with Diane to leak a small portion of BoJack's book to create hype and convince BoJack to allow its publication. They once worked together at Starbucks before Diane became a published author.

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