Personality List

    Mr. Bennet Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mr. Bennet? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mr. Bennet from Pride & Prejudice 2005 and what is the personality traits.

    Mr. Bennet

    INTP (5w6)

    Mr. Bennet personality type is INTP, which just might explain why he is so protective of his daughters.

    Mr. Darcy personality type is INTP, which just might explain why he is so protective of his sisters.

    Mr. Wickham is an INTJ. He's so in love with Georgiana that he's in denial about his true motivations, which is to undermine her relationship with Darcy.

    Mrs. Bennet personality type is ESTP. She may be the most neurotic (and matriarchal) of the Bennets.

    Mr. Bingley personality type is ENTP. He's the "go getter" of the bunch.

    Mr. Collins personality type is ESTP. He's the social climber, looking for a wife who will make him more of a "gentleman." That's his motivation for marrying Elizabeth.

    Mr. Darcy is an INTP. He's the anti-social one, who doesn't want to get married at all, but is forced into it by his parents' wishes.

    Ms. Bennet is an ESTP. She's socially savvy and savvy about the ways of men. She knows how to get what she wants.


    Mr. Bennet is a landed gentleman, and the father of Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist of the novel Pride and Prejudice, a work of the author Jane Austen. The head of the dwindling family of gentry, the Bennets, Mr. Bennet is the last male of his family line, he is married to Mrs. Bennet, the daughter of a Meryton attorney, the late Mr. Gardener Sr. Together the couple has five daughters: Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty and Lydia Bennet. None of the daughters are married at the beginning of the novel, much to Mrs Bennet's dismay.

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