Personality List

    Abel Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Abel? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Abel from Shingeki No Kyojin and what is the personality traits.


    ISTJ (1w2)

    Abel personality type is ISTJ, the “law and order” type.

    ISTJs are the most reliable, and often the most traditional, of all the personality types, and tend to be very strong on the practical side. They take the time to make sure they have all the information they need before making a decision; they are slow to become excited or overwhelmed. They are also the most likely of all types to be “sticklers” for details, and can be considered somewhat of a perfectionist. They tend to be loyal to traditions, morals, and even rules and regulations, and are more likely to stick to what they know. They are practical, down-to-earth, and logical, and know how to get things done. They tend to have little tolerance for nonsense or confusion, and are likely to feel confined by restrictions or rules that don’t make sense to them (for example, having to change a light bulb in the evening rather than at noon).

    ISTJs take their time before committing to a course of action, and will often wait until they have all the facts before making a final decision.

    ISTJs are dedicated, disciplined, responsible, and trustworthy.

    Abel was a soldier in the Survey Corps Fourth Squad under the command of Hange Zoë, who was noted for his ever-present glasses, or "goggles." He participated in the 57th Expedition Outside the Walls and often accompanied higher-ups, such as Hange and Levi Ackerman, on serious missions.

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