Personality List

    Aurille Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Aurille? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Aurille from Shingeki No Kyojin and what is the personality traits.


    ESTJ (3w2)

    Aurille personality type is ESTJ, the “expert.” ESTJ’s are known as the “authoritarians” or “organizers.” They are the people who make sure everything gets done. They are the leaders, the rational thinkers, and the leaders of their family. The ESTJ is the “boss” who is very decisive, precise, and calculating. They don’t tend to see things as a whole, but as a series of steps that lead to a goal. They are the ones who want to be able to explain everything to those around them. They want to be able to reason with everyone and have a discussion. They want a logical explanation for why things happen. They will use their logic to explain what they want to do.

    ESTJs have a hard time understanding emotions and feelings. They want things to be right and precise so they can explain what they’re doing to everyone else. They have a hard time understanding that other people can be sensitive, that they have different ways of seeing things, and that they have different opinions. This makes it hard for them to lead someone who isn’t an ESTJ.

    Aurille is a former member of the King Fritz's assembly. After a successful uprising led by Survey Corps commander Erwin Smith, this minister is imprisoned by the military.

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