Personality List

    Leviticus Cornwall Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Leviticus Cornwall? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Leviticus Cornwall from Red Dead Redemption 2 and what is the personality traits.

    Leviticus Cornwall

    ESTJ (8w9)

    Leviticus Cornwall personality type is ESTJ, for an emotional, practical, and structured personality.


    The Leviticus Cornwall profile also includes a rating of "6" for pride, indicating that this person is unlikely to go out of the way to help someone in need.


    The Leviticus Cornwall profile also indicates that this person is likely to be materialistic, which is another ESTJ trait. This person is also likely to be a perfectionist.


    The Leviticus Cornwall profile also indicates that this person is more likely to be traditional than progressive. This person is also likely to be confident, which is yet another ESTJ trait.


    The Leviticus Cornwall profile also includes a rating of "8" for being decisive, which means this person is likely to be highly organized. This person is also more likely to be organized, which is yet another ESTJ trait.


    The Leviticus Cornwall profile also indicates that this person is more likely to be trustworthy than untrustworthy. This person is also likely to have excellent memory abilities, which is yet another ESTJ trait.

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