Personality List

    Snoke Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Snoke? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Snoke from Star Wars and what is the personality traits.


    ENTJ (8w7)

    Snoke personality type is ENTJ, but he does have a little of the Ne personality thrown in as well, so it's hard to really pin him down. He's a charismatic strategist, but he has a very definite goal, and he's a very ruthless enforcer of that goal.

    In this comic, Snoke's goal is to find the Jedi temple and take control of the Jedi from there. He enforces that goal with no mercy, and thankfully for his life, he has a very capable right-hand man, Kylo Ren.

    Kylo Ren is a complex character, and I hope to explore his backstory in a future comic. But for now, let's focus on Snoke.

    Snoke rules a lot of people. And because of his powers, he can do a lot of things. He can manipulate the Force, he can wipe people's memories, he can make people see things that aren't there, and he can make people do things they don't want to do. Snoke controls people as much as he controls the galaxy.

    In this comic, Snoke is trying to find the Jedi temple. That means he needs to find Rey, because Rey is the only key to finding the temple.

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