Personality List

    Cavi Campbell Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Cavi Campbell? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Cavi Campbell from Spy × Family and what is the personality traits.

    Cavi Campbell

    ESTJ (3w4)

    Cavi Campbell personality type is ESTJ, and he is extremely loyal to those in his life. As a military man, he’s always had a problem trusting people, so it’s not surprising that he was wary of being in the spotlight. He’s smart, dependable, and a great leader. You’ll always see him at the front of the pack, barking orders and taking charge.

    What He Loves

    Cavi has such a strong sense of loyalty that he’s always willing to take on a task even if he thinks it won’t be all that important. This is also one of his most admirable qualities because he will put himself at risk to save others. He’s also a very clever man and can figure out how to solve problems.

    What He Hates

    Cavi’s overprotective nature may have helped to secure his place in the military, but it has led him to act rashly at times. He’s also very sensitive, so he can be very hurt when people don’t show affection for him.

    What He Loves to Do

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