Personality List

    Spencer Hastings Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Spencer Hastings? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Spencer Hastings from Pretty Little Liars 2010 and what is the personality traits.

    Spencer Hastings

    ENTJ (3w4)

    Spencer Hastings personality type is ENTJ, but Mandy Moore personality type is ENTP, which means they are completely different.

    Mandy Moore is independent, charismatic, perfectionist, popular, smart, attractive, and passionate.

    Spencer Hastings is independent, charismatic, perfectionist, popular, smart, attractive, and passionate.

    You can see it in the way they interact with each other in the show. Mandy Moore takes an active role in planning events for Spencer Hastings.

    Spencer Hastings takes an active role in planning events for Mandy Moore.

    The difference in their behaviors is just one example of the differences in their personalities.

    Spencer Hastings is much more passive in his relationships. He will often wait for Mandy Moore to make the first move or to initiate conversation.

    Mandy Moore is much more active in her relationships. She will often make the first move or initiate conversation with Spencer Hastings.

    Mandy Moore likes to be well prepared when she interacts with Spencer Hastings.

    Spencer Hastings likes to be spontaneous when he interacts with Mandy Moore.

    Mandy Moore has her own style of interaction with others.

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