Personality List

    Elliot Alderson Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Elliot Alderson? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Elliot Alderson from Mr Robot 2015 and what is the personality traits.

    Elliot Alderson

    INTP (5w4)

    Elliot Alderson personality type is INTP, which means that people with this type are the most likely to be described as introverted.

    The difference between the two personality types is that ENTPs are more likely to be extroverts than INTPs.

    While extroverts are more sociable in their interpersonal relationships, introverts are more likely to be seen as introspective in their approach to life.

    Extroverts tend to embrace change, whereas introverts are more likely to be comfortable with the status quo.

    This can make it difficult for INTPs to live in a society that is ever-changing.

    INTP vs INFJ

    Both INFJs and INTPs are highly intelligent.

    They are both types of introverted personalities, however, INFJs are generally considered to be more sensitive than INTPs.

    INFJ personalities are also less socially-acceptable than INTPs, partly because INFJs tend to be “bookish” and not very approachable.

    INTP vs ESTP

    ESTPs are often described as extroverts, while INTPs are often described as introverts.

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