Personality List

    The Pastor / No. 244 Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of The Pastor / No. 244? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for The Pastor / No. 244 from Squid Game 2021 and what is the personality traits.

    The Pastor / No. 244

    ISTJ (1w9)

    The pastor / No. 244 personality type is ISTJ, which means they are the "guardians of the church". The ISTJ is the bread and butter of the Church. They are constantly on guard against anything that might threaten the security and safety of the Church. They take care of the water (the Bible and the liturgy and parish and diocese and parishioners) and they take care of the fish (the people). The ISTJ has a very strong sense of duty and responsibility and they constantly look for ways to do things with as little friction as possible. They are constantly looking for ways to make things easier for the parishioners and parish leadership. They constantly look for ways to make things better. The ISTJ constantly looks for ways to improve things on a very basic level.

    The ISTJ has a very strong sense of duty and responsibility and they constantly look for ways to do things with as little friction as possible. They are constantly looking for ways to make things easier for the parishioners and parish leadership. They constantly look for ways to make things better. The ISTJ constantly looks for ways to improve things on a very basic level.

    The pastor / No. 244 personality type is ISTJ, which means they are the "guardians of the church".

    A pastor who finds his faith again in the Game.

    No. 244 is a deeply religious man who looked down on the other members of the games for them not sharing the same belief that he and everyone there are sinners. He appears to be arrogant yet self loathing, because numerous people lost their lives so he can move on. He believes that his hands are tainted with blood and that none of the participants are safe from god's wrath.

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