Personality List

    Yukiya Naruse Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Yukiya Naruse? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Yukiya Naruse from Code Geass and what is the personality traits.

    Yukiya Naruse

    INTP (5w6)

    Yukiya Naruse personality type is INTP, but also seems to be an ISTJ. This is probably because he is an excellent leader and organizer and because he is always methodical and logical and practical and doesn't like impractical ideas and theories. And like other ISTJs, he is very serious and aloof, and doesn't like to show his emotions, but is very passionate and passionate about what he does. There's no doubt that he is the serious type. He is concerned about what other people think of him, but he can't stand people who are rude like other ISTJs. He doesn't like other people's opinions of him, but other people's opinions does not matter much to him. And other people's opinion has no effect to him, because he can do things his way. His IQ is a high IQ, but his EQ is a low EQ. He is not a good leader because he is too blunt and insensitive, although his IQ is a high IQ, this makes him a bad leader. And he is a good organizer because he does everything in a systematic way, but this makes him a bad leader. But in spite of his flaws, he still makes a good leader if he chooses to be a good leader.

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