Personality List

    Zero (Lelouch's Persona) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Zero (Lelouch's Persona)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Zero (Lelouch's Persona) from Code Geass and what is the personality traits.

    Zero (Lelouch's Persona)

    INFJ (1w9)

    Zero (Lelouch's Persona) personality type is INFJ, which indicates that he is idealistic and introspective. Lelouch's "False V" personality type is ENFP, which indicates that he is idealistic, enthusiastic and playful.

    He wants world peace and the world needs to know that.

    While he can be quite passionate and impulsive at times, he is also very logical and rational and knows how to handle himself and the situation. He's very intelligent and knows how to manipulate others and himself, and his ability to bring about great change and positive change is one of his most important traits.

    He's a very skilled tactician and strategist and can think of ways to solve problems and end conflicts. He is also very curious as well as a natural leader as he has good leadership skills, good confidence, great people skills, is extremely persuasive, and has a charismatic personality. He is a natural born leader as he will always advocate for those who are in need of help.

    He is a natural leader as he's a natural born tactician as well as a natural born strategist. He's also a natural born leader as he will always advocate for those who are in need of help.

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