Personality List

    Straw Doll Technique Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Straw Doll Technique? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Straw Doll Technique from Jujutsu Kaisen and what is the personality traits.

    Straw Doll Technique

    ESTJ (8w9)

    Straw Doll Technique personality type is ESTJ, with a 25% STJ and a 50% ISFJ score. For the most part, ESTJs are smarter and more analytical than other personality types. They pay close attention to details, making them good at routine tasks, and they are also very hardworking. However, they may become impatient with things that they do not understand or which don’t make sense to them, leading them to act rudely or even rudely bully others.

    Most ESTJs are loyal to their friends, family, and coworkers. They take pride in their work and are capable of working long hours without complaint. However, they may become impatient if their work is not completed quickly enough. They may also become bored with other people’s hobbies or pastimes, especially when they do not relate well to them.

    ESTJs are often described as blunt people. They are blunt in both speech and in their thoughts. They tend to be very direct, and while this may sometimes be perceived as nosy or unfriendly, it is really just the way they communicate. ESTJs usually don’t care about what other people think about them; they are usually confident in their own abilities and like to stay true to themselves.

    Straw Doll Technique (芻霊呪法, Sūrei Juhō) is an innate technique used by Nobara Kugisaki. It allows her to attack using a toolset that includes a hammer, nails, and the signature straw doll.

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