Personality List

    Boris Feulner Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Boris Feulner? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Boris Feulner from Shingeki No Kyojin and what is the personality traits.

    Boris Feulner

    ISTP (6w5)

    Boris Feulner personality type is ISTP, so she is a woman who is very practical and "down to earth" as well as being really good at handling her own life.

    Boris Feulner is a very disciplined person, which, as already mentioned, means she has very strong leadership skills and is very good at organizing and setting goals and plans. She is also good at choosing and implementing the best and most efficient way to achieve those goals or plans, sometimes without even realizing that she is doing it.

    Boris Feulner is a very practical woman, which means she is very good at handling practical things like organizing her home, keeping her house clean and organized and has excellent practical skills such as cooking and sewing.

    Boris Feulner is a practical woman who is very good at keeping practical things like her house clean and organized. She is also very good at cooking and sewing.

    Boris Feulner loves to be in control and take charge of things and people, and this is a very important part of her personality. However, she can turn that into a problem if she does not allow others to take control of their own lives and do things for themselves. This can cause her to become bossy, controlling and possibly even arrogant.

    Boris Feulner is a member of the Military Police Brigade stationed in Stohess District. He is a graduate of the 104th Training Corps, though he is not from the same division as Eren Yeager.

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