Personality List

    Barf Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Barf? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Barf from How To Train Your Dragon Franchise and what is the personality traits.


    INFP (9w8)

    Barf personality type is INFP, the introverted intuitive feeling type.

    Animals do not feel emotions. They do not know fear, love, grief, joy. They do not feel pain. Only humans feel these things. Animals are only driven by instinct. They are driven by their own “drive”. They cannot feel emotions, they cannot comprehend emotions. They don’t know what it means to “feel”. They don’t know what it means to “love”.

    Our instincts are driven by the animals “drive”, their own instinctual drive for survival, sustenance, procreation, etc.

    Our instincts are driven by our own “drive”. Our instincts are driven by our own emotionality.

    What is an emotion?

    Emotions are one of the many functions of our brain. They are an evolved function of our brain that allow us to understand ourselves and others.

    Emotions are a collection of neurons firing in a particular order in the brain.

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