Personality List

    Belch Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Belch? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Belch from How To Train Your Dragon Franchise and what is the personality traits.


    ISFP (XwX)

    Belch personality type is ISFP, INTJ, INTP,INFP.

    The name derives from the word "Belch", which is an exclamation of disgust.

    The Belch personality is the exact opposite of the Stomach personality, which is the exact opposite of the "Belch personality".

    Let's look at the differences between the Belch personality and the Stomach personality.

    Belch personality is always hungry, and seeks food to fill that hunger.

    The Stomach personality is always full, and therefore seeks food to be satiated.

    Belch personality is always seeking to consume energy.

    The Stomach personality is always seeking to absorb energy.

    Belch personality is always sitting down.

    The Stomach personality is always on his feet.

    Belch personality has a very fast metabolism.

    The Stomach personality has a slow metabolism.

    Belch personality seeks to completely satisfy his hunger.

    The Stomach personality does not seek to completely satisfy his hunger. He will simply stop eating if he feels full.

    Belch personality wants to fill up on food as fast as possible.

    Belch is a Poison-type move introduced in Generation VI.

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